Thursday, October 05, 2006

Pressie dilemma

It's joanna's birthday today! Happy Birthday. It was suppose to be celebrated only on Saturday but we met up with her first before the celebration.
I asked joanna what would she like for her birthday, she said she needed a handphone. Well...i guess i COULD get her one... but i got her TWO presantss.. how cool is that. She got what she wanted and an extra gift with it also. AND one of the pressies is what she wanted. How cool is that me, nothing is cooler than getting what you want for your birthday.
So i got her what she wanted. Tadaa... a nokia handphone (lets disregard the model first)
You should see the 'dissapointed' look on her face *priceless. But hey, when you press the key buttons, got 'ah-beng' songs and got bird tweeting away, so cool... wahahhaha...
Oh well, the second gift Judging by the look on her face, she looks much happier with this pressie. But oh what the heck, she gets it both anyway. hehehehehe

A rondom picture
*If you see this late at night while driving, you will freak also!

1 comment:

Joanna's IVF Journey said...

ok... actually i was rather shocked by your creativity in buying me a phone... i didn't think that u would be so smart to get me a phone with ah beng songs and birds or some sort of wierd sound coming out from the phone by pressing the buttons ok... my mom was more suprised! she's like u mad or something? but she got the joke and she thinks u r rather funny! but of course i have to give u my compliments on the belt u gave me. even my mom thinks it's nice and she told me she thinks we can share it! but anyhow... a big THANK YOU! for the present... :>