Friday, February 23, 2007

No running away

When we were younger, sometimes we would jokingly say that "i think my parents picked me up from the rubbish dump." The inconsistencies of facial features maybe, or total opposite characters from parents, the rebellion side... Younger days, (usually when theres a burning argument) -wild ideas like "i think i'm adopted, they don't love me as much as the other, my parents hates me." or something to that extend. Wondering the other possibilities lying around the road, picking it up and using it as a tool to be extra-angry or either to comfort one's thought.

Now i would think i'm just being plain stupid and soooooo vulnerable especially the social influence, tremendous urge to go against authority. Come to think of it, it was fun, i wouldn't be me now if i did not go 'against' some issues. But anyhow, my parents were nice enough *i mean REALLY really intensely nice, to stick by me when i fall into the darkest, deepest 'longkang', well, at least it made me appreaciate them more. My family are awesome people man!! Imagine if they just don't care, i would have gone back to the longkang with misery.

Actually, i just wanted to post a picture, but ended up writing so much rubbish *i might actually have close relation with rubbish... hahahaha... that aside, IT HAD TO BE THE NOSE-lah! well, me friend's daddy said it means prosperity and wealth i think!! WAHHAHAHAHAHa... with money flowing out like water, i'm just waiting for my nose-magic to take its course. Thanks dad, for passing me the 'magic potion'.. hahahhaha

*i guess i'm not the only one. Muahahaha...

Thursday, February 22, 2007

SOMEBODY : Ah of cos lah, it's sexitary week.
... -_-!

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Holiday jam

Chinese New Year is celebrated by most if not all Malaysian Chinese. Having seeing most people having a week long holiday, i couldn't resist but took Wednesday off as well. Being back in Penang was awesome, with the food, shopping and mostly with family minus the 6 odd 7 hours traffic crawls which supposedly be only a 4hour drive *banyak accident oo.. make me tension only. Breath in, breathe out, *positive thinking may, positive thinking... Well, first time spending my birthday in Penang which we had a small family reunion dinner cum birthday dinner. Obviously, because of the festive period, most shops were closed and the opened ones are either booked or kenalah put on waiting list. Basically, if anything is not booked in advance, wait lah your turn! Generally, Penang is a must go-go if thinking of visiting M'sia!! The makan ahh... good lah! Gurney drive has been revamped and its back at the old place... much cleaner and more organised *sort of lah. Price had grown, but not the portion, but got varieties loh... a lot of ahbengs to see also *exciting...
If know anyone there, lagi baik, ask them to bring you to the alley alley stalls, somehow taste nicer. :p
note: alley stalls not necessarily cheap

Obviously, mlee was super very bored and started kacauing other people's shop 'qiu pai'.

CNY has come, still here but have to go back to work eventually. Coming weeks need more planning, more effort. Its kinda hard when it's still holiday season, but i'll sloth my way through hopefully. ok, HIP ONE TWO, ATTENTION!!! go sleep then *fingers crossed* pray that no jam tomorrow so can sleep a bittttt longer.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Balik Kampong

Thank you guys for the planning and some suprises at work this week. 24 years residing in planet earth and being alive is definately an achievement eyh! you reckon? hehe.. As i look back, it has been an exciting and challenging journey. I am actually anticipating the upcoming years, as to what is in store for me in the future. It won't be easy for sure, for everybody and anybody i assume... Plans, decision and more decisions to make, choices... part and parcel of growing up. Sometimes, i wish i knew what will be in store for me, so that, could at least prepare myself. WISH-LAH.

I did my little part of growing up last weekend. Bad choices i've made.. , but oh well, i can just oversee it as part of the fun. Eeeyuck...after seeing some pictures, must change must change, or not value sure drop kao kao one. Which makes me more determine to go yoga classes! Kill fats, they are evil.

Tomorrow last day of work for 4 days (holidays don't come easy nowadays) -Malaysia's amount of holidays-unbeatable lah!!


oh oh oh balik kampong, oh oh oh balik kampong...

Thursday, February 08, 2007


The word loneliness repeatedly appeared in my little wondering mind today.

Work sent me to a far far away land for a mission. Had to do it, choice-less. So, there i went with me myself and i to the land of unknown, filled with grubby mist and a whole load of strangers. As i stood at a corner eagerly waiting for my turn, i realised that since the minute i set my foot there, the phone was my companion. Dialled and messaged anyone i thought were possible to keep me occupied. Realising that, i hated being alone.

Did not need 23 years for me to realise it but it became a more prominent issue in my little emotional mind. Being in this industry, i can't expect people to be there just happen i feel lonely isn't it. I gotta get a grip of myself. This would not be the only occasion i have to deal it myself. but who likes to be alone? i know some, but surely not all the time. It's a petty issue but it bothers me so much being unable to handle such minor loneliness. Sometimes, it takes a while to understand simple things in life. Life is always a learning process. I can foresee more frustrations to come as i get to know myself better. -emo. battle-

Indra showed this to me, and it speaketh itself... or- it speaketh to us.

...After a while
After a while you learn
The subtle difference between
Holding a hand and chaining a soul
And you learn that love doesn't mean leaning
And company doesn't always mean security.

And you begin to learn
That kisses aren't contracts
And presents aren't promises
And you begin to accept your defeats
With your head up and your eyes ahead
With the grace of a woman
Not the grief of a child

And you learn
To build all your roads on today
Because tomorrow's ground is
Too uncertain for plans
And futures have a way
Of falling down in mid flight
After a while you learn
That even sunshine burns if you get too much
So you plant your own garden
And decorate your own soul
Instead of waiting
For someone to bring you flowers

And you learn
That you really can endure
That you are really strong
And you really do have worth
And you learn and you learn
With every good bye you learn.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007


Colleagues play an important role in an office setting. They either help you or pull you down especially when working as a team. I work in a small office; 3 of us in the public relations team. It was four for a month, but we lost one last week.
It’s a shame; everyone thought that all four of us would be a great team. A branding/marketing person, a writer, an event person, a psychologist… or so my boss said. Whatever it is now, it’s only us. The best thing is, regardless of our color, age or background difference, we cliqued.

It’s a rare scene now seeing a Malay, Chinese and Indian together gether. Despite the racial differences, we’re kinda the same sort. It’s not a world wonder, it’s just a Malaysian wonder.
Past weekend have been interesting. Well, it should be hor, waking up at 530am just to see a bunch of eager marathoners doing the triangle-ton. But it's all for a good cause. note: i didn't run. HSBC organised this triangle-ton to raise funds for 10 different charities and we were one of the beneficiaries. so, we had to be there. The route for the marathon ain't short man... we drove along the marathon route, man... were damn lucky that we were not asked to participate. Sure die one... So, we waited for the marathoners to reach the ending point, was wondering whether yi made it back or had to sit the van to come back.. it would be damn paiseh *very shy one ma.. THEN, *cheng cheng cheng ... there he was, running towards the finish point...

Ah, what a way to spend a monday morning.

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Ordinary or extraordinary

People with ordinary lives, ordinary looks, ordinary cars, having the extraordinary ordinaries, all have something unique and different to say. How do we justify ordinary or extraordinary? *Subjective. Theres no direct answer to it. Everybody has their own justification of being ordinary. Met randomly with an old high school friend (i perceived as an ordinary ah-beng) while 'mamak-ing' just a while ago, a few seconds later, i felt he was one of the extraordinary people. Talking about his life and his pagent relationships, counsellings, it's no where near me-ordinary. What is extraordinary then? super duper extraordinary? or just plain extraordinary? It amazes me sometimes... to actually be able to learn new insights (breaking the spell of presumptions) from people who we randomly meet. Everybody have a different story to tell.

My ordinary blurt for the day
Whenever your skin touches mine
It sends quiver through my spine
Looking into your eyes
I sense there’s more to find
So much more to learn about you
So much to discover

As your slim hand locked into mine
Silently, my mind went berserk
What should I do, How should I react.
Am I just thinking too much

My admiration for you seems too ancient and too childish to say
But I adore you just the way you are;
The mysterious smile on your face while your thoughts run wild,
Your endless surprises and bizarre ideas
The aura you bring with you, I admire.

Words are unable to justify
The sudden rattle of emotions and constant yearning
I’m trapped in this fairy tale
A tale with an unsure, unwritten ending

Friday, February 02, 2007


Won't tell you which one we send for match making... hehehe (not a good picture but the ambience in this place is gewd, the dim, the lighting)

It has been ages since the girls played matchmaking. So, we did. This time round, it was fairly organised (i think it comes with age) Everybody acted as if it was just another gathering session. Obviously, we didn't make it 'that' obvious, after the guy arrived. He knew why he was there.. and maybe i am a bit ancient, but guys nowadays... whoaaaa... really know how to make the first move don't they. He came, tried to conquer, had to leave. hehehe...Eventhough no chemistry but I'm amazed (this may be the only time) this particular guy took the iniciative to know the girl instead having the horny look all the time and expected to be approach. Oh well, at least this guy had the genuine look.
It's hard to hook a friend up with a friend. Even if both of their characteristic would perfectly suit one another. At the end of the day, it's the chemistry that counts. No chemistry= no feel.
That aside, after the trying-to-matchmake session, we went for a cuppa tea at SS2 murni. We saw this huge meat balls. Went like : OH MY GOODNESS, look at the balls man, so huge.. Koki excitedly turned back and went Where? where? *getting really excited. YEAH YEAH YEAH, you thought ever in your wildest dreams getting a chance to openly see huge balls in mamak would be today huh. hmmm... huge spagetti meat balls only got lah!