Tuesday, February 06, 2007


Colleagues play an important role in an office setting. They either help you or pull you down especially when working as a team. I work in a small office; 3 of us in the public relations team. It was four for a month, but we lost one last week.
It’s a shame; everyone thought that all four of us would be a great team. A branding/marketing person, a writer, an event person, a psychologist… or so my boss said. Whatever it is now, it’s only us. The best thing is, regardless of our color, age or background difference, we cliqued.

It’s a rare scene now seeing a Malay, Chinese and Indian together gether. Despite the racial differences, we’re kinda the same sort. It’s not a world wonder, it’s just a Malaysian wonder.
Past weekend have been interesting. Well, it should be hor, waking up at 530am just to see a bunch of eager marathoners doing the triangle-ton. But it's all for a good cause. note: i didn't run. HSBC organised this triangle-ton to raise funds for 10 different charities and we were one of the beneficiaries. so, we had to be there. The route for the marathon ain't short man... we drove along the marathon route, man... were damn lucky that we were not asked to participate. Sure die one... So, we waited for the marathoners to reach the ending point, was wondering whether yi made it back or had to sit the van to come back.. it would be damn paiseh *very shy one ma.. THEN, *cheng cheng cheng ... there he was, running towards the finish point...

Ah, what a way to spend a monday morning.


Ryan said...

i think having great co-workers makes the job much better!

uncle boy said...

I echo that!