Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Holiday jam

Chinese New Year is celebrated by most if not all Malaysian Chinese. Having seeing most people having a week long holiday, i couldn't resist but took Wednesday off as well. Being back in Penang was awesome, with the food, shopping and mostly with family minus the 6 odd 7 hours traffic crawls which supposedly be only a 4hour drive *banyak accident oo.. make me tension only. Breath in, breathe out, *positive thinking may, positive thinking... Well, first time spending my birthday in Penang which we had a small family reunion dinner cum birthday dinner. Obviously, because of the festive period, most shops were closed and the opened ones are either booked or kenalah put on waiting list. Basically, if anything is not booked in advance, wait lah your turn! Generally, Penang is a must go-go if thinking of visiting M'sia!! The makan ahh... good lah! Gurney drive has been revamped and its back at the old place... much cleaner and more organised *sort of lah. Price had grown, but not the portion, but got varieties loh... a lot of ahbengs to see also *exciting...
If know anyone there, lagi baik, ask them to bring you to the alley alley stalls, somehow taste nicer. :p
note: alley stalls not necessarily cheap

Obviously, mlee was super very bored and started kacauing other people's shop 'qiu pai'.

CNY has come, still here but have to go back to work eventually. Coming weeks need more planning, more effort. Its kinda hard when it's still holiday season, but i'll sloth my way through hopefully. ok, HIP ONE TWO, ATTENTION!!! go sleep then *fingers crossed* pray that no jam tomorrow so can sleep a bittttt longer.

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