Friday, February 23, 2007

No running away

When we were younger, sometimes we would jokingly say that "i think my parents picked me up from the rubbish dump." The inconsistencies of facial features maybe, or total opposite characters from parents, the rebellion side... Younger days, (usually when theres a burning argument) -wild ideas like "i think i'm adopted, they don't love me as much as the other, my parents hates me." or something to that extend. Wondering the other possibilities lying around the road, picking it up and using it as a tool to be extra-angry or either to comfort one's thought.

Now i would think i'm just being plain stupid and soooooo vulnerable especially the social influence, tremendous urge to go against authority. Come to think of it, it was fun, i wouldn't be me now if i did not go 'against' some issues. But anyhow, my parents were nice enough *i mean REALLY really intensely nice, to stick by me when i fall into the darkest, deepest 'longkang', well, at least it made me appreaciate them more. My family are awesome people man!! Imagine if they just don't care, i would have gone back to the longkang with misery.

Actually, i just wanted to post a picture, but ended up writing so much rubbish *i might actually have close relation with rubbish... hahahaha... that aside, IT HAD TO BE THE NOSE-lah! well, me friend's daddy said it means prosperity and wealth i think!! WAHHAHAHAHAHa... with money flowing out like water, i'm just waiting for my nose-magic to take its course. Thanks dad, for passing me the 'magic potion'.. hahahhaha

*i guess i'm not the only one. Muahahaha...


tankiasu said...

Yuuuhuuu....gimme me your nose, I want some prosperity and good health too!

May said...

ha... think twice oo!!