Monday, October 23, 2006

A Quiet K.L

After work, we made a plan with lotsa alternative... Plan B, Plan C. but non of them jadi. So for a start we went to mid valley first to just start off going somewhere. To my astonishment (actually not really) the roads were CLEAR. KL roads CLEAR wor... i mean memang sudah janka one..but its rare in the city center ma.

So as the car glided without much needed break, we parked and in my mind the first shop that i want to go is Dorothy Perkins to see wether the new stuffs came out already or not. As i checked my bag, WHERE IS MY WALLET? i've got one wallet but...DAMN! only name-care wallet.
This is not good man. I need my card and money. *SOB *SOB being penniless is no good feeling okay. I had to borrow some cash from Joanna.
Well... We had lah to go find RHB bank ONLY for her to withdraw money. i got 50 ringgit and there goes the plan for a movie, buy some clothes or go yum seng lah. *poof* I know, can borrow more mar..but low also mood liao.
Look lah, her face bo-song already.."Where can forget purse one".

Instead of feeling low cos no money spend on unecessary stuff. I was laughing over the whole i-so-the-'big-head-prawn' thing. hehehe... how could i forget..and i was driving without license with me... kekeke
My saver for the day, Daniel called and offered to bring me my wallet, meet us in Finnegans. Its like a while drive from Melawati and he offered to pick my wallet and come. How sweet eyh! aaaahhhh...... ok, i am very excited ok, not everyday you get someone to go out of their way and do nice things to you when you're in some kind of a despration mode. *Daniel is still single*
So, as a token of my deepest and sincerest appreciation, he gets a yummy sandwich, a not-so-hard-core Baileys on the rock and my blog url- hahaha. I only know how to pay back through drinks and these kinda stuff ok, other than that i'm hopeless.


Joanna's IVF Journey said...

ok... i just can't believe that how can u forget your wallet, including your credit card, cash, and i.c and driving license! omg! i think i really need to have a checklist for you each time when we go out together...must checked that 4 items listed. i was having all planned out, we either go for movie or k or finnegans... and when u told me u left your wallet at home, i was like shit... what are we going to do here then.... but your lucky star came to save the day! hahahah.. daniel... very very unexpected! hhahahahaha! still in shocked?

May said...

yeah...makes me wanna manja him more...wahhahahaa...