Sunday, November 11, 2007

Mesra, Cepat Dan Betul

Sitting here on a Sunday evening at the nearest starbucks sipping a raspberry frap surfing the web. How else could I spend my last day before the start of the FIRST five day work tomorrow.

And as unbelievable as it may seem, I went for badminton. Let me repeat, BADMINTON. You know, the sport with shuttle cocks, racquets… running here and there, aim, hit the ball that comes anywhere into your part of the court. Yes, me did it. I played. Amazing. I am considering doing it weekly. Unbelievable? Believe it.

A short story- Car+Stolen=Police Station.

CHOI! No! its not my car.

So many things we take for granted. When its always available, we tend not to take much notice. But when its gone, we somehow realize how much we rely on the lost. But sometimes in the midst of business, it seems too little for our concern.

Alright. There. My weekly post of ramblings. Not very interesting or flowery. This week is a not very socially productive week, no participation at the BERSIH march petition thing or such. Mundane is me, me is mundane.

1 comment:

Joanna's IVF Journey said...

i'm still keeping up my hopes that i can find my car back.. no matter how bad it is... at least i can still claim the insurance 100% on repairs. but all i want to say here is that you are such a great friend. you've been there to help me the whole night and i don't know how to thank you... but your kindness surely will not be forgotten. thank you babe!!!