Thursday, July 10, 2008

In a blink of an eye, its the month of July already. Much had happened, much have changed. Definately, theres more ahead.

There is so many files flying across the table that its blowing my head off. The relocation of the company is making me uneasy. Unsure of the next step, the future. Eventhough an official memo is not circulated, but with CF approved, renovations on the way, people speculated that its 90% sure go. Whispers and discussions flood the floor. "So you going with them or not?"

It is a hard decision to make. I seem to just settled down digesting the workload and the people that i work with and now, a new bomb have just landed on most of our laps. What does the future lies? The move is gonna be tough for most of us. More sacrifice, more time, more travelling. Everything at every aspect of the moving seems tough, but not unachievable.

Getting a job out there in this time is a tough call. As i think about the future, or rather my future, i just couldn't see the light at the end of the tunnel. Its easy to just write down my passion, my desires, my expectations. But as easy as it may sound, its not.

"You just get married and have kids la. Isn't that what you always wanted" Well, its true, but not now. Not at this moment. And bearing in mind also that men my specs are hard to find. I'm so gonna rule out getting married and having kids. *at least for the next few days.... hahahha

The hike and jike of price is horrible. Increasing electricity and petrol in a year is a burn in the pocket. Now lagi, no more pocket. People are spending less, being more careful, counting the cents in everyway they can. Retail is bad, Factories cutting cost, Supplies are double the usual price. I wonder how long it will last.

I hope all things will turn out for the better. *Fingers crossed

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