Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Its kind of distressful when an individual you've known for a long time suddenly made you feel like you don't know that person at all. The length of time knowing one another does not seem to justify the closeness anymore. Being able to clique with another individual depends on the chemistry and the transparency. If you can forever put on the mask and lug it your entire life i salute you.

With people coming out from their shell after umpteenth years, theres a tremendous lot to adjust to. Probably won't need to cause it somehow felt like all hell broke loose, and its best to just end it there and then. But for the sake of the umpteenth years together, the process would take a while longer. I prefer, what i see is what i get. I no like then i no want.

While getting slapped on the face, there seems to be so many things to be attended to. Grandma got diagnosed with cancer 3rd stage, extra load of responsibilities at work. Eh, now it seems little. But the follow up takes a whole load of time. Especially travelling north and south to see granny while working and all around the tom dick KL to please people's request. Complain complain complain. Am emotionally drained, right down to the roots. I'm an old fag hag at age 25.

There goes the story of an old fag hag at age 25. Lets cheers to that.


Anonymous said...

i totally feel u in the 1st para. Dayum!!

May said...

WHY US??!?!

Anonymous said...

becoz otherwise we wld hv nothing to complain about?


Sim Yin said...

*HUGGSSSSZZZ* from far far away!
While taking care of others, please take good care of yourself too!

May said...

I FEEL SO LOVEDDD allof the sudden.