Sunday, September 14, 2008


Sometimes we do things we don't understand.

Sometimes we say things we don't mean.

I do that very frequent. Being pro in the way i talk, seemingly knowing what i say, in fact i don't most of the time. What i say, what i think and what i feel goes their own way, have their own mind. Sadly, speaks different language.

Last weekend, i don't know what i did. Don't know why should i even resort to doing it. It bore the hell out of me. It wasn't too bad cause i made a friend, a friend with dead treats every minute someone spots him around. I was lucky cause i know i'll get out of that place very much alive.

Yes. a cockroach.

I wonder at the dark circles around my eyes, the dehydrated skin, the flabby chubby meat, the disproportionate-ness, the fact i was actually where i was. i sigh loudly.

We wonder, we speculate, we assume, we anticipate. Some good, some bad. Most of us couldn't help but to wonder off on the worst that could happened. Suddenly, it happened.

Times like this its hard to keep your cool. Its hard to act as if everything was as normal. It only takes one word to drive you up the wall, to make you loose yourself, to swerve your mind to the other side of the road.

Tea? Dinner? Supper? and... late night snacks? Till then, you wonder, whats next? Probably you can suggest a Pea Party for a Pea Brain like him. Ah, probably he's into one of his 'strategies' mode.

Scared? I heard it ample times, i'm amused and getting used to it. Sail with me, we're in the same ship. Being sailed to a place where you and i don't know. How exciting.

So far away, when night was day and day was night. Safe journey was out out sight. Out of sight, out of mind? Being committed is never an option, cause they are just plain scared. I tell'ya, release yourself, you can make people's eyeballs drop off.

Alright. Each paragraph represents someone i met this week. The thoughts are here there and everywhere. I need time to digest. Being the slow-mo i've always been, i take hours to do stuff people can grasp in a few minutes. Thats why, i write short.

I know, damn hard to understand isn't it. Me too, i find it incomprehensible and plain wasting of time.

At least it ends with two pretty girls for you.

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