Sunday, September 07, 2008

Its a string of anniversaries. Obvious enough that its not celebration.
People come people go. But the absence sends emptiness down my spine through the heart.
The years has passed, life commenced like usual. Work, Eat, Shit and Work.

Somehow, somewhere the emptiness lies. Somethings in life, when you fall you just pick yourself up and move on. But some things, it takes time, sometimes the time frame is beyond expected. Living it out normal may only be a facade.

Regrets are bound to have, i'll take it to my grave. Presence is bound to missed, i'll treasure it more. Its hard to deal with, but i'll deal with it. An impact in life i'll not forget.

冰冷的空气突然在我耳边吹过。突然充满寂寞,孤单,折磨。太暗了,看不见您深处的双手,感觉不了你的天空。有了相反的梦。是我不争气,感觉不了了。你的离开是我一生中的遗憾, 挽回不了的遗憾。无论你在何方,我知道你会保佑我的。命中注定是我一个人的勇敢。

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