Sunday, November 02, 2008

Stereotyping, labelling, assumptions..
Gather what you can on the first meeting, thats probably who the person really is.
What you see on the facade may not be similar inside.

People tell me i'm high maintenance. *ahhheeebulls**teeemmm*. My close friends can tell you i don't buy designer goods. Not only can i NOT afford them, i don't dream over it. period. So what if i'm high maintenance, i get the designers MYSELF. Theres no such joy as when you walk into designer shops, pick the items, and pay with your own cash. CASHHHHH... Lick me, i might like the designs and all. But i also know where i stand on cash flow.

People tell me i'm spoilt. The real meaning of spoilt is not when daddy is always the first person you call when you're in trouble. Please, i and daddy are like friends. He taught me the knick knacks of life, he taught me to change tyres and check the temperature. Of course he's the first person i'll call. So what if he paid for my car and education? My dad has his believes on providing. Not excessively eventhough he can, but just nice. I still work you know and i pay my own petrol and bills.

Not everybody will have such providing parents, i'm glad mine do. They sacrifice a lot of their material being for the children. See, sacrifice. Big huge sacrifice. Draw the line yourself, its not called spoilt.

People tell me i'm a happy-go-lucky person. Try working in advertising, try working at where i am. Nobody knows if sleeping is a problem, nobody knows if you worked till the wee mornings writing some press releases, the hurt when criticism is always around the corner. Try being happy go lucky, they will make sure that you're not. Who is? those who don't really care about what their doing. Sorry, wrong person. I care and i care damn bloody a lot.

People tell me i only go for looks. Eh please, going down to the shallowness of the shallow. Maybe i do go for looks, please give me a handsome charming prince with a kacang putih brain, give you for free also you don't want isn't it. In this era, the whole package is important. Besides, what i think is goodlooking, you might not think so.

People tell me i'm emotional. Who is not? Ya, probably those who keep and bottle up all inside. But one fine day, it'll burst. I admit i'm very emotional, not only am i a woman who has blood discharging out of my body once a month which not only bearing the pain and the uncomforting pads, hormon imbalance plays a part too. When i burst, i'm critical. When i hmph, i'll sleep over it. When i'm sad, i cry. You men don't compare us with whiny chicks who gets sore when their finger nails chipped, or throws a tantrum when you're 5 mins late. I get emotional when my hardwork is treated like a piece of trash or when you say you don't love me anymore. That, i get emotional. Don't you?

I can go on and on and on cause i'm on a ranting mood, and tired of people putting me into a certain framework. But if it rocks your sinking boat, so be it. I'm too tired to justify myself. I don't need to.


Anonymous said...

Ugh, it's bad enough that people need to put other people into neat little categories - but the fact that they would put you into the WRONG one, or judge you based on what THEY think is right, is so DISGUSTING. Who are they to judge? Perhaps they are all these things they accuse you of being. After all, it takes one to "know" one, right? Stupid stupid buggers.

*hugs my May May* I know who you are, so take comfort that at least there are a few TRUE FRIENDS who know that all this bullshit is not true. Other people can go DIE IN A FIRE!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

May said...

Joy joy,