Saturday, January 17, 2009


After returning from a very Chinese dinner with fellow friends, i left the place with much on my mind. Not being superstitious, cause i not only don't believe, its usually not accurate.

The conversation started something like this... "when i interview people, i ask their year and which chinese animal their birth represent" I was a little bit suprised that people still finds horoscope and animal year to compare the compatibility of working together. And it went on "i usually don't take people from the year of the pig, too emotional, I'm a rat, cannot work with pigs." I was left baffled. cause, i'm a pig myself.

Being the curious me, i went on asking about it more. No doubt, i do also agree that pigs like me are more emotional. cause i am. not denying it. It seems that, pigs and pigs should not be together. Wait, got difference one with girl pig and boy pig. The girl piggies are more emotional and have very strong character. The boy piggies have very low self esteem and self confidence. If ever there is a match with two piggies, the girl piggy will climb over the boy piggie and he will suffer. It went on too, "if your boyfriend is a pig also, i think you better let him go so he will suffer less."

In my puny mind, i was taken aback left thinking that probably my previous relationships did not work because some of them were pigs. Can we be that shallow? or is it soooo true that i've finally bitten myself, being too strong of a person and too emotional.

The sayings was justified by another person who has experienced it cause her parents are both pigs. All they way, she nodded in agreement. I wonder what they say about both horses together, cause my parents both are. It left me thinking when i was driving back home, could it be? am i that hard to handle? do i come on too strong as a person?

Or am i just a piggie in denial.

Another incident this week which i've been telling the dudes... Boss had summoned us to her room and decided partially on work allocation. Seemingly, i'll be travelling more the next few months on big opening projects.

The following day, the newspaper wrote a short blurp on individual 'animal' in this cow year. So, mine goes something like this: "you will be travelling a lot this year, will gain recognition for your work and will have very high stress level. Health this year will deteriorate. Avoid starting a business. In romance, for those of you who are single, you will find your love off shore while travelling. For those who are in a relationship, you will feel neglected by your partner"

There are a lot of way to intepret it, it might even seem very general. If like this of course like that one la. However, to me it was meaningful and i somehow took it to heart. Cause i know some of it already and it's kinda true. Coincidence? you tell me.

A means of guidance i believe, but deep down inside i know that you create your life story. I'll be a off shore romance seeker travelling pig with health problems this year. or not. it's up to me isn't it?

It has been not only weird, its too much of an odd situation i've put myself in. Now i think, its not even funny.

I hate the new year horoscopes already.

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