Friday, May 08, 2009

During a fitting yesterday, Mr something-something splurt out "your job must be fun". Seeing me walking around picking up clothes from the store, walking here there taking pictures and talking loudly seems like a fun thing to him. Queer.

Asking him about his job, no wonder he thinks mine is 'fun'. Working in an insurance company, talking about investments, i was bored. *yawn* Whatever i think, he takes pride in what he does and just couldn't stop talking about it. Wan-tai-fu. *yawn* *yawn*

An hour later, Ms who-who said the same thing "your job must be interesting" "you get to know a lot of people" Hmmmm... actually, not really but thats besides the point. As we chatted, she studied satistics and now work in the same investment company doing recruitment. *yawn* for doing recruitment, *yawn* *yawn* *yawn* for studying statistics. GOT A DEGREE JUST ON STATISTIC ONE MEH?

Me eyes went big, my jaw dropped, i was not only in awe but amused by their choice of studies. I know, i know what is me to say what to study is best, when i don't know what i want in life. Well, that again is besides the big backside point. STATISTICS? love maths... figures...

That, is something my puny brain cannot comprehend. at all.

Another note, i like facebook. It's actually quite cool, being able to know what people are actually up to. It's the stalker side of me. Ms sam-pat-wants-to-know-it-all. Connecting with people that you think are looooong gone suddenly appears in your life. How cool is that, you tell me.

Alright. I'm off to do some store visits and market survey. Boring yet awesome.

Pardon this princess. This is totally bimbotic.


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