Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Better Traffic?

So now, it have been officially fully blocked. Going to Damansara now is a hassle using the Setapak way. Another alternative would be bumping your way through Jalan Ampang road, skip the RM1.50 toll, meet loads of Mr Traffic Light along the way or pay the RM 1.50 toll which takes you straight pass GH on the left.

At this current moment, the decision to make the divider, or rather the block is causing enormous amout of jam at the bulatan pahang. It doesn't help also that the freaking bus stop is just beside the road with restless, inconsiderate bus drivers. Taking the setapak way would be easier, but no more the usual 20 odd minutes to damansara anymore. For better or for worse...

Sometimes i wonder, do people analyze the structure or even plan before they build flyovers and roads around here. Aren't we targeting better traffic flow? Or maybe i'm just not aware of it. Bravo for having the one-car-width flyover turn in Penang with no-car-gonna-breakdown-ever attitude. Malaysia boleh-lah...

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