Thursday, September 27, 2007


In the eyes of a photographer. Behind that expensive lense, i wonder what do they see. A different view? A different perspective? or just a photostate machine alike.

Whenever i see a picture appear on the imac, first shot second shot third shot.. click click click... it all looks the same to me. But for them, it seems to be different. The lighting not right, the power not enough, more exposure, put the board here, the white one there, black one here...

I with my layman's eyes, so tak boleh. To me, its the same. Penang char kuey tiaw and KL char kuey tiaw taste the same to me. Its char kuey tiaw.

Thats maybe why they are professional photographers and not me. haha.

Anyways, i guess thats why i am where i am.
Was just off the phone with a friend just updating each other on our life, she guessed i might be real busy this time cause the lack of updates here. Maaf ya, a bit no kuasa. May May kena more semangat!! HAP two three four!! must try to juggle everything... learn how to balance sikit.. time for everything for everyone.

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