Sunday, February 22, 2009

Its official. I'm an old fart.

They say, once you hit the 26 mark, the rest will follow on as fast as you blink your eye.

The pressure is on to strive harder at work, to get the other half, to achieve a certain something in life, to move on to another phase in life.
Its official, and the pressure is on.

Coming to realisation, life is not that simple.
Its probably been complicated all these while, but thats how life works.
Coming so far in life, i've yet to achieve my dreams. Its a simple dream, but oh well, its not as easy as i thought of achieving it. Takes lots of patience and commitment. God probably thinks i'm not ready for it. I agree.

A lot have been done, a lot more to come. With my new dumped on profile, i daren't even think about others. Its wild, and gonna get wilder in time. I thank you for believing in me.
Much have learned, through mistakes and fallshorts. It is never in vain.

Thank you for loving me for who i am, and all that you've done and gonna do for me.

At your service,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Not to re-instate that we are all "old farts", but will you come to my wedding in December? Please say you do, I don't care, you are coming...right?
