Saturday, March 28, 2009

People come and go in our lives. Some made their mark and then dissapear.
Some stayed and friendship continues to bloom.
Life's journey can be harder than we imagined it to be.
Friends or foe, they play a big part.

Some we make an effort, some we just forgo.
Its the little things that happens, the chemistries that brought us all together.
For a long while or for a short period of time, its up to us all.

I thank you for the little encouraging messages, thank you for thinking of me.
Thank you for being there, thank you for caring.
Theres so much we can meet, talk and bond.
With busy lives, knowing that i was thought of is special enough to keep the friendship going.

Always believe and will keep on believing that crossing path in this vast universe has a special meaning, has a special reason.
To it all, cheers to friends...

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