Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Surrounded with gloom makes the cloud darker.
It helped by giving everything i see a twinkle.

I apologise for the super lacked of picture.
I hereby put some of the happy times...

*smiley always too ya*

I realised, after loading more pictures than i thought i would, there too many of those happy stuff. I would love to upload more but emm... nak tidor dah. Am truly blessed. Thank God for companies and memories.

Tengah tunggu bas 106 balik Magill. Winter sommore... sejjuuuukkk....
My neighbour lost in a game we played, guess what we made him do.. haha

Give me the toughest, i'll bring out the woman in you. :p

The lovely St Kilda...

Fire works marks new beggining :)


Kawan baiku yang terencat sikit...

Itu masa gembira di jepun.

It gets syok-er when you sit swing as you get older...

My darling sooo happy, i also happy... laughing at him

Dekat shop orang, main main..

My first DRASTIC potongan...

First buffet in a loooooogg time. Itu kokonut sedap giler tau.

picture sangat low-res. Gembiranya, walaupun sudah tua.

First gig that broke my emcee virginity

Macam i doing some pulling skin.. muahahah..

Tengoklah reaksi kawanku, macam tak pernah guna. :p

How do you get a 12 year old boy who is reaching puberty to cheek-kiss you?
Buy him what he wants.

Itu masa, nyanyi macam giler

Nak senyum selalu? dapat strange sikit punye kawan.

Nak gelak? dapat kawan yang lagi strange...


Boonsky said...

The one with your friend putting on a wig grinning, that was a top banana funny picture. Hahahahaha...

May said...

you met him.. he was at eunice's house that day :)