Sunday, June 21, 2009

It was at the tip of my tongue, wanted to blurt it out so badly that the mind was loosing control. Getting sandwich in taboo conversations, I can’t just hold it back. I have also my two cents worth. My opinions do meant something, at least it make sense to me.

Torned in between two who meant most to me, I can’t decide. Stingy or selfish it may be, I want both. Can’t they compromise? For my mind sake at least. Er.. No. Time has change, no longer were we confined to a certain mindset. Open, comtemporarised, fore-forward, futuristic we are, never forgetting roots that’s for sure. So many emotions lingering in the mind, but words just couldn’t form. Hating it when its like this, cause at the end, I eat my own shit, drown in my own sorrow.

Praying hard the time will come that it will be all alright.

There is no excuse that you didn’t see me there. At the corner of my eyes, I knew you were peeping through the almost non existent crowd. It should have not ended this way, but you knew it couldn’t. If only…, i could still be your friend. At least, you looked contented with the lady beside you.

Finally got the taste of the medicine handsome have been on the past year. Everyone knows exercise or gym-going isn’t my forte but I reckon its time to do something about the weight. It was nothing calming about body step, moving up down left right with the booming soundtrack. I wish I knew the step already. Eventhough its nothing like the yoga sessions, body step is actually quite revitalizing. Unbelievable it may be coming out from teohmaymay, but it actually is.

So many words… sigh. I can blah on and on and on and on and on… but i’ll save myself from writing more embarrassing, idiotic and thoughtless thoughts.


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