Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Stunned, Shocked, Taken back..
Whatever expression that best suit the situation. Almost 2 years here, it's prolly the first encounter of most meeting the verbal pessimist psycho in me. All due respect, i don't go around parading the extend of seriousness or harshness or whatever you call it. As a matter of fact hardly do it at work, rather more with friends. :p too bad Jose..

Someone was kind enough to ask was anything wrong. Snickering to myself, if i ignore, you think i don't care enough. If i care, you think i've got something wrong. Being considered a newbie, i might not know the back alley structure, odd enough, care not i. Feed me.. if its good and healthy i'll take it. If not, i'll find another feeder myself.

Its always a crescendo learning, being thrown in the middle of the sea. We all learned the survival skills, thats probably the best learning ground. From the lowest ground training up till learning from the top. When the cycle repeats itself, it's prolly time to move on.

I do bark. I do loud. I do scream. I do whine. I do retaliate. I do defend. I do have an opinion. I do rationalise.
Correct me if i'm wrong. Bark at me if you think it's silliness and carelessness.
Not being loud doesn't mean i don't have a mind.
I may be retarded, but i'm not stupid.

Ya, don't hire me. I'll prolly screw you too after 2 years.

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