Monday, July 06, 2009

I thought and think and thought and think.. it is an neverending cycle.
Cause it will somehow happen all over again. Karma?
What goes around comes around whether you like it or not.
Its utter malufying when it comes biting back.
Knowing that you can do nuts about it. Cause it's payback time.
Guilt torture.

Its not to the extend that its life threatening,
Just enough to distrupt your life, make you feel miserable,
Hurt you, make you cry, feeling small, lonely and weak.
Dragging to the lowest point and till the time you gather the courage to face it all.
Then, its bounce back time!

Acting as if nothing happened helps.
Eventhough its self denial, the mask makes life much easier.
Since when it became such hassle, provoking such complication.
It probably comes with growing up.

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