Sunday, January 21, 2007

New year, new insights

CHING CHING CHING!!! This is my 40th post! Hows that for keeping up blogging. Bumped into Ken, my dear Penang cousin yesterday in midvalley. AND boy was i suprised to see him and the first few sentence he uttered was 'I got your blog from my sister'. WAaaaa.... erm... not to say i've got secrets but it's just amazing. *it's not all that hu-ha if you've got the blog add on msn. It's partly i don't see my paternal cousins that often, once every two or three years? mmmm....
Had super great fun today other than working so duper the overtime. Went to Singapore about two weeks back, met new friends and they came up to KL today!! It was great to see them again!! REALLY GREAT! Eventhough we have not really got to know one another but with a glass of wine, oooo... it helped great lot... hehe
The boys of the year!
Sometimes when you meet people, somehow things or conversations just clicked regardless on how long you know a person. The duration is not an issue at all. These great dudes gave me new insights eventhough we met up only for a few hours. Humans are not perfect but the unique-ness of every individual still facinates me ever. They just did.
I don't like studying. Hated high school, and things related to TEXT book. But somehow learning from people with real life experiences is entirely a different angle. Got soaked into people's life and sometimes gasp in awe of the 'differences' thought were a normality. Whats normal anyway. Strived hard to be different, but yearn to be normal. SO the redundant!
Today, somehow i want to learn. Want to learn to be calmer and more respectable than feared. The lesson today was priceless. Marc, if you see this. The bill is nothing compared to the insight you guys planted in me. Thanks. *BIG smuak

1 comment:

Ryan said...

thanx 4 the well wishes!

congrats on the 40th!