since no one reading back to me, then i'll just stay in space.
Friday, March 28, 2008
Saturday, March 22, 2008
As so it may seem, people running here there and everywhere tying up last minute knots. Pre preparation is something, but the last minute brush up will somehow occur as THE time draws nearer. It would be queer before a show to have things so in place where everyone just sits where they are and wait for the time to do the showdown. I don't know about you, but eventho the shows starts, there are still some last minute oh-i-need-to moments.
I hustle and bustle, the screaming and tension arrises when everyone wants it fast. Time waits for no man. When the show gotta start, it gotta start. Of cos, it varies.. some are just slow and steady. If you find one, tell me.
As such, its all a roller coaster. Work, Life, and whats important to you. Rushing for datelines, Time to get present for birthdays, picking up the laundry is past overdue, not to mentioned the phone bill.. shucks.
I don't know what i'm ranting about. Typed a long long post but its just to whiney. Just couldn't bring myself to post it. In all, i'm jacked up. I need wisdom. and lots of it.
Posted by
6:54 PM
Saturday, March 15, 2008
First queer move was to meet up at a fast food chain. Second queer move was also to meet up at a fast food chain. It was 1am but the chain still maintained its business with walk ins. Young ones, old ones with wigs, husband, wife and four screaming children with one on the way,couples, good looking Eurasian chomping in a burger alone, a suprised birthday girl. All, at 1 am at a fast food chain.
Being engrossed in a conversation, i can't help but to observe a little of this place during that hour. The different people, the way they eat their chicken or burger, how they sit, how they dressed, not one is similar to the other. All unique in their own way.
In front of me was a unique creature himself. The way he sees life way surpasses his tender age. It left me with awe and admiration. Bold decision, risk taker, practical was all he is was that is not potrayed by a rough look. Its easy to label someone, but sometimes its not what we presumed. Sometimes our eyes and ears fail us, we have to dig in to know someone better.
Always give people the benefit of doubt. It may not be what it seems on the first look. What we perceived may not always turn out to be what it is. Its suprising sometimes.
Posted by
1:38 AM
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Are you a risk taker? I have asked myself again and again today. I like to take safe risks, probably i know 90% i will succeed. Thats a minimal risks. As i ponder on the future once again, yea i know kinda a bit too frequent nowdays. I can't help but to wonder what the future lies.
Business? Retail? Music? Missionary? goodness me, becoming an andartu scares me like a mad cow. In order to do what i like, risks is a must take isn't it. Or you just wouldn't know if you don't try it. But what if i fail? will i fail with shame? or fail with pride? Lets just say if i like someone, but don't dare to take the risks to tell, scared of rejection, missing my boat? or is the boat just not meant for me? Or just too scared to take that large sum of money to do partneship with someone. I missed the opportunity? bye bye bigger bucks. *no, i'm not rich nor filthy rich to open business. just a thought only ok.
Questions questions questions... questions that i would never have the answer unless i try it out. BIG risks.
i am so frus thinking of unpractical or rather 'mouliu' stuff, can die. Oh, handsome prince in white bullet proff aluminium waxed shining armour, can you please save poor mou liu rapunzel out of her imaginative sky dungeon.
*and they lived happily ever after*
Posted by
12:12 AM
Saturday, March 08, 2008
The wedding bells are ringing endlessly. I presume its a good year to get married. Never mind the superstition, its just a damn GOOD year to get married. DING DONG DING DONG... ah, what could go wrong in 2008 eyh. Especially 8th August 2008. Its just gonna be sooo 'fat'. i love it.
After a long Saturday, its good to be home lying on your bed and just chill with a laptop in front. Trying to get some things done but looking at the obvious, nothing will jalan. With tele on, people counting votes and chatting about who won what seat. Truthfully, i'm suprised by some results. A different approach for the next 5 years? oh well, we'll see whether the winner do what they say. Promises, promises. Its so not meant to be broken, especially when you're up there. Cause, people see, people know. Just that, when i'm 30, i'll just vote for the other.
I mourn my next voting. Its gonna be a big freaking 3 in front of my age. Young adult? bluek. Whatever it is i'm not gonna be the only one in the next 5 years time.
Today, my favourites and me flew from BU to Pavilion get bitten by fishes. Its an intriguing experience i must tell you. nibble nibble nibble... suck suck suck... i'm just so fasinated by the amount of food they eat each day. Whether do fishes die of some food poisoning. Cause down below, who know where its been man.
I am so apologetic to the little girl beside me, i think i stole her fishes. My bad. Its just maybe che che's leg is a bit more... ermm... voluptious. Ok ok, not too good of a description, but just maybe my leg is a bit meatier and dirtier. i've said it. But i didn't meant to steal the fishes away from you. sorry.
Its so interesting, you should try it. Its near redbox in Pavilion. RM38 for half an hour of humor with the fishes. :) try it once, just tell yourself again and again that the result cannot be seen through rough eyes ok. Let me assure you, it's cleaner and yes it does feel kinda different than half an hour ago. :p
After that, a good o'l Maggie soup and a cup of teh o panas kurang kurang manis to kill the fishy trauma. Three of us, eventhough been friends for ages, got distinctive differences. It is definately a miracle that we are still together. The fun and laughter of the lamest, priceless. heart you heart you. Ok, lets get down to business.
Eunice: WHY DOWAN TO EAT VEGE HA! it's the so the good for the you ok.
Lavee: ...... your figure just doesn't justify the amount of food you take.
Well, despite such distinctive difference,
Cheers to the many more years in front of us. *cling *clang
Posted by
11:36 PM
Sunday, March 02, 2008
As i was flipping through the papers the other day, got makcik went and register herself as candidate man. not as voter you know, as a candidate. her logo is i think three keys. On the streets lagi lah, see properly, other than the 'main', 'larger' parties sticking their flags all over, occasionally you can see other parties like an yellow umbrella. It suprises me somehow. I wonder what urged them to actually go that far to register themselves and spend money on flags, banners and posters. Truely, i have not got a political mind.
Truthfully, eventhough i am a legitimate voter, i have no clue who to vote for. I see the faces of my district candidate plastered all around the area. But, no feel lah. The ones i want are the other districts which is none of my business. i am such a sad sad person indeed. Oh well, just have to wait and see as THE day draws nearer. Maybe ini-mini-minie-moe would be the last resort.
I would like to entertain by putting some pictures but as usual, the bummer i am is just tooo the damn lazy to search and click click upload the pictures. Till the next time i come in, i'll make sure i medidate dulu to stay online longer the next time..
Posted by
5:44 PM