Saturday, April 19, 2008


Whats your hobby?

Sounds like a simple question isn't it. thought so. Was so wrong. Cause, i can't seem to have an answer to that.

Over a one bluberry, 3 glasses of water and a lime jus, i still don't have an answer to that question. For a moment, damn i feel kinda duh-ed. or more like dumbfounded. I mean, ME? being dumbfounded? The incredible twister ever.. how can.

I don't have a hobby. Its either i work or hang out with friends or... i dunno stay at home online... surfing erm... work stuff. Vi's hobby is art, cause she's good at it obviously and shes an architect. Being fair to myself, Na couldn't think of a hobby too. Hah! I think probably researching on SLEEPING therapy suits her.

Back to ME, i still don't have a hobby. I like to _______ during my free time.
Sleep?Eat?Read?Draw?Shop?Watch TV? no la.

Ok, leaving me with my hobby dilemma. I wish you all a good relationship with your hobbies.
I am going to sleep and dream about hobbiless dream.

*pardon my entry.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hahahaha.... and you DARE call me a workaholic?? YOU're in the same boat as i... NO HOBBY.

We're sad as sad can be...Hehehehe