Sunday, May 18, 2008

First time in my life, sleeping was the toughest. I don’t know whether it is called insomnia but I just couldn’t sleep. Thank God it just lasted two days.

The feeling was awful, with lack of sleep, adds on to the foul mood. I snapped at every opportunity that I had. I just cannot be triggered. Eyes turning red, aching body, distorted mind, uncontrollable speech (meaning talk ‘fai wa’). It was awfully awful. I think I made more enemies yesterday.

That aside, what is with the sms message

“Pls switch OFF all ur handphone 2NITE. According to Metro TV, there will be a BIG RADIATION WAVE circulating thru the handphone towers at 11PM 2nite which is very DANGEROUS to humans. Pls inform ur friends NOT 2 keep their phones with them. Please FOWARD..”

I’ve got this message sent to me THREE times last night, obviously before the clock turned eleven. The spelling errors aside, what is Metro TV? A few of my friends succumbed to the message just in case, a precaution. Better safe than sorry.

I thought it was silly at first until my best friend decided to take it utterly seriously. Was shaken a minute but then it just doesn’t sound right. If got big radiation wave, my phone died, I died, then too bad.

If all phones were off yesterday, somebody, ahem…. would be stuck somewhere without any one to call to. And, what big radiation wave? I think somebody need to check this Metro TV out a bit. Like we don’t have enough rumors already.

The power of words and circulation, I can’t imagine the influence.

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