Monday, May 19, 2008

Wedding bells

I've learned a new word today. "Boob-bang" NO, i didn't just simply come out with something outrageous cause i can't sleep. It was just mentioned along our conversations today.

So, what is boobbang? a bunch of girls ganging up with their boobs? I really don't know. Enlighten me if you so know. Didn't get to the core of how this word came about. But whatever it is, the girl that introduced us this word says its fun. I am not too sure i'm gonna take her word for it, but whatever it meant i don't think i wanna even go near trying it out.
*Ms Ong, nah.


Its the time to ring ring ring it again. Its so near i can feel it already. Today, the high school babes met up to update the past 6 months of life happenings. And a dumdum dum-dum, wedding is reaching us oh soooo soon. Its scary actually, meaning that we are ACTUALLY, as the matter of fact getting old.

And why can't we wear the LEVI's wedding gown har? isn't it a good idea? it's designers too. :(

Talking about wedding just spiced things up a bit. But marriage is not something that can be taken so lightly. The talks about wedding planning can be fun, but the responsibilities that comes with it is also very heavily fun.

Its not just being able to clique that matters. Its the entire chemistry between two person and being able to view the other the mother or father of your child. Or most basic being able to live together for the rest of your life. PHEW! Thats a tough call.

The moment "I DO" is uttered, it begins the journey of when two become one. Accepting the person for who he is and being able to be tolerant, patient, loving, communicate, collaborate... and the lists goes on. *sweats But i guess if he or she is the right one, it would not be a matter of concern even.

And i was thinking, for my man... he have to definately accept me for who i am! You know who i am??? dunno leh! LET ME TELL YOU!

The worlds.... most awesome STRAW-BITER!!!

I know, i'm disgusting. a very disgusting piggie indeed. I do agree. No one wants a straw-biter. *sigh I think i need professional help. anyone?

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